State Applications Not Listed In Congressional Record

Over the course of years, the state legislatures have written hundreds of applications for an Article V Convention call. Many of the applications have not been recorded in the Congressional Record. Because Article V specifies that Congress must call "on the applications" of the state legislatures, it is clear if Congress does not receive a state application, it cannot be counted as an application for a convention call as Congress is unaware the state has actually submitted the application to them.

However, as the 1977 article written by Jim Stasny shows, the problem lies with Congress, not the states and its complete mishandling of state applications. It is likely all of the applications by the state legislatureswere sent to Congress but for various reasons such as improper filing procedures was never entered into the Congressional Record thus becoming part of the official record of applications by the states. If and when Congress does go through all its records, it is likely many, if not all, of these applications will "show up" and therefore add to the already 700 plus applications submitted by the states and recorded in the Congressional Record.

In order to present a complete view of all applications, FOAVC is presenting this page which will list applications not listed in the Congressional Record (applications not yet found in the Congressional Record) but applications which nevertheless state records support the state legislatures submiting to Congress. FOAVC believes these state applications cannot be counted in any total of state applications causing Congress to call a convention as they have no corresponding federal record attached to them thus proving they were indeed received by Congress.

We wish to thank Mr. Samuel Fieldman for his invaluable help in gathering these applications.

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