Subjects Inside: Article
V Applications
Application Counts By
Congress, Articles,
AVC Legislative Report, CRS Reports,
Convention of State, Compact for America, COS, CFA--Which States are Which?, The Historic Record of COS, COS, CFA Laws, COS Articles, CRS Reports on COS/CFA, COS, CFA Financial Records, CFA Financials, COS Financials, COS/CFA Financial Conclusions, John
Birch Society, Con-Con, Runaway
Convention, Who Called the Convention, Congressional
Vote on a "Runaway" Convention, "Obey
the Constitution, Only Two More States", Illegal Rescissions, The Phony Burger Letter, The
Madison Letter, Fotheringham Exchange, JBS Articles, Sibley
Lawsuit, General Interest, Article V.org,
Robert Natelson, History
of Article V, Counting the Applications, The Numeric Count History, Congressional Decision of May 5, 1789,
Development of Article V, The Committee of the Whole, The Committee of Detail, August 30, September 10, Committee of Style, September 15, Official Government Documents,
History of FOAVC, Founders,
Us, Legal
Page, 14th Amendment, The Electoral Process, Packets,
Numeric, (
Applications grouped by numeric count as required by the Constitution),
Same Subject (Applications grouped by amendment subject, not required by the Constitution for a convention call).
Go To Page 6: A, B,
6--A Discussion of JBS, Eagle Forum
The most
vocal political opponents of an Article V Convention are the ultra
conservative political groups the John
Birch Society
(JBS) and the Eagle
Forum. JBS was formed in 1958; the
Eagle Forum
was founded in 1972 by Phyllis
Schlafly. Beginning in 1983 JBS began its political opposition to
Congress calling an
Article V Convention. Eagle Forum later joined the opposition. Because
the two groups have chosen to align themselves against an Article V
Convention and frequently quote each other's statements, FOAVC will
refer to the groups jointly in its discussion of JBS and Eagle Forum as
JBS/Eagle Forum.
This opposition occurred despite the fact the
Constitution mandates
Congress call a convention when two thirds of the states apply. Public record proves two thirds of the states
have applied for a convention call eleven times. Nine of these sets of
applications happened before JBS/Eagle Forum even began their
anti-convention campaign (1910, 1943, 1952, 1965 (twice) 1971, 1973,
1978 and 1979). In addition the states have applied two more times
since the JBS campaign began (1992, 2015). Congress,
which has only recently begun to
count applications, showed a sufficient number of applications were
received as of 1930 to cause a convention call in an earlier count which was ignored. Another tabulation
of applications begun by Congress in 2015 has already affirmed
35 states applications sufficient
to cause a convention call.
Thus politically the JBS/Eagle Forum anti-convention campaign is an utter failure. The states had already applied nine times before it began and twice since it commenced.
The political reason for JBS/Eagle
Forum opposition to an Article V Convention was a proposed balanced
budget amendment which, as proved by public record
shows by 1979, four years before JBS/Eagle Forum began their
campaign, the balanced budget amendment (BBA) had already received
sufficient applications on that issue alone to cause a convention call.
(As of February, 2017, the current
count of states submitting an application for a BBA stands at 44).
is believed JBS/Eagle Forum is aware of the vast number of
applications and the fact sufficient states had submitted sufficient
applications to cause a several convention calls. To counter this fact
of public record JBS/Eagle Forum concocted several "arguments" about an
Article V Convention which will be examined in more detail later in
this site.
FOAVC uses public record to prove the
accuracy of statements of any group regarding an
Article V Convention. FOAVC examines the statement and its supporting
evidence. During its research of the "information" supplied by
JBS/Eagle Forum to support its claims, FOAVC discovered many were
false, unsupported, or contrary to documented public record or historic
FOAVC will present these defects in discussing JBS/Eagle Forum
"information" about an Article V Convention. If any member of JBS/Eagle
Forum presents any documented
evidence to support its claims not
presented by FOAVC, FOAVC will present that evidence on this site.
JBS/Eagle Forum may use our Contacts Page (Page
16) to inform us of this evidence.
The political goal of JBS/Eagle
Forum is to prevent an Article V Convention call by Congress.
Given the public record of
applications and unequivocal peremptory language of Article V, the only
political solution for JBS/Eagle Forum is congressional veto of the
Constitution. This veto permits Congress not to call a convention even
if the states satisfy the terms of Article V.
believes permitting Congress veto power of the Constitution raises
grave questions as to the consequence of allowing the Government to
veto any portion of the Constitution. Before such authority is obtained
based on the
"information" of JBS/Eagle Forum, FOAVC believes a detailed examination
of this "information" as to substance and reliability is obligatory.
"information" will be examined in the
following pages.
Page Last Updated: 9-APRIL 2017