Subjects Inside: Article
V Applications
Application Counts By
Congress, Articles,
AVC Legislative Report, CRS Reports,
Convention of State, Compact for America, COS, CFA--Which States are Which?, The Historic Record of COS, COS, CFA Laws, COS Articles, CRS Reports on COS/CFA, COS, CFA Financial Records, CFA Financials, COS Financials, COS/CFA Financial Conclusions, John
Birch Society, Con-Con, Runaway
Convention, Who Called the Convention, Congressional
Vote on a "Runaway" Convention, "Obey
the Constitution, Only Two More States", Illegal Rescissions, The Phony Burger Letter, The
Madison Letter, Fotheringham Exchange, JBS Articles, Sibley
Lawsuit, General Interest, Article V.org,
Robert Natelson, History
of Article V, Counting the Applications, The Numeric Count History, Congressional Decision of May 5, 1789,
Development of Article V, The Committee of the Whole, The Committee of Detail, August 30, September 10, Committee of Style, September 15, Official Government Documents,
History of FOAVC, Founders,
Us, Legal
Page, 14th Amendment, The Electoral Process, Packets,
Numeric, (
Applications grouped by numeric count as required by the Constitution),
Same Subject (Applications grouped by amendment subject, not required by the Constitution for a convention call).
Page 5 A--COS, CFA--Which States are Which?
According to the latest legislative report,
Convention of States has acquired the support of 12 states (Alabama,
Alaska, Arizona,
Georgia, Florida, Indiana, Louisiana, Missouri, North Dakota, Oklahoma.
Tennessee and Texas) in the form of applications for a "convention of
states." Compact for America has gathered the support of five states
Arizona, Georgia, Mississippi and North Dakota) in the form of passage
of the "Compact for America." Both COS
and CFA claim support of four states, Alaska, Arizona, Georgia and
North Dakota. While COS
and CFA may be lumped together for the purposes of discussion as their
methodology for convention control are identical, politically and
constitutionally (and thus legally) they are
mutually exclusive.
The public record of applications however shows that, in fact, 15
states have submitted "Convention of States" applications to Congress
over the years. For apparent undisclosed political reasons, the
convention of states organization has chosen only to recognize 12
of these applications.
COS uses the "traditional"
amendment process of gathering "same subject" applications (despite the
the Constitution has no such requirement); CFA uses
an untested legal theory attempting to
circumvent the Article V amendment process. Thus, politically, once a
"joins" COS or CFA it cannot "join" the other group. However the
questions of legality and constitutionally also apply when determining
which states support which organization. As a compact (a form of
contract established for states
in the Constitution) is involved it is possible once a state
"joins" CFA, they are excluded from "joining" COS by the terms of the
compact. Four
states, Alaska, Arizona, Georgia and North Dakota have "joined" both
CFA and COS. As the compact precludes joining COS as the political
agenda for the two organizations are entirely different, the question
arises as to whether these four states are part of the COS or CFA
tabulation of states.
COS nor CFA have made any public effort to clarify this issue. However, until the
matter is resolved the
reported number of states supporting
either COS and CFA is dubious. As a compact under the terms of the
Constitution is a form of binding contract on the state thus
superseding any resolution or legislative act to the contrary, it is
likely those states joining the CFA compact, assuming the compact is
constitutional which is dubious, must be counted as CFA, rather than COS, states. Thus the
states of Alaska, Arizona, Georgia and North Dakota must be placed in
CFA column making the count of states eight states in the COS column and five states in the CFA column.
However the matter does not end there. There appears to be no
consistent policy regarding what is, and what is not, a "convention of
states" application.
Convention of States Project has claimed some state
applications as "convention of states" applications but has failed to
acknowledge other state applications as "convention of states"
applications. The question is: what is the policy which determines what
is, and what is not, a "convention of
states" application? The specific issues
surrounding several state applications are discussed below.
The Alaska Application
In many cases COS has claimed applications which, while
may use the term, "convention of states" somewhere in the application,
is, in
fact a
"standard" Article V Convention application. In the case of the Alaska
application, for example, the term "convention of states" is used in
the opening paragraph, but
the application requested subject matter (nullification of federal
laws, regulations and court orders) not in the COS political agenda. It
would appear then if the phrase "convention of states" is used in the
application, the application is a "convention of states" application.
However, other examples of state applications and claims by Convention
of States refute this thus making a determination of what is, and what
is not, a "convention of states" application dubious at best.
The Florida Application
the case of the Florida application, while the application matches the
political goals stated by COS, no where does the term "convention of
states" appear in the application.
This raises a question of validity of the claim by COS that 12
states have applied for a "convention of states." Have the states
actually applied in support of the COS political agenda and thus this
makes it a "convention of states" application or is COS simply claiming
application using the term "convention of states" as its own
(regardless of application content and intent)
order to further its own political agenda? The answer appears to be
both and neither.
The Arizona Application
On March 14, 2017 the state of Arizona
passed House
Concurrent Resolution 2010 "applying to the Congress of the United
States to call a convention for proposing amendments to the
Constitution of the United States." Because the resolution used the
term "convention of states" in passing in the text of the resolution,
COS immediately claimed it as one of their own. Yet the title of the
application clearly describes a "convention for proposing amendments"
rather than
a "convention of states." It is the strict policy of FOAVC not to
publish any
application until
it is officially received and recorded by Congress. Therefore the text
of the application will not appear on our list of applications until it
is recorded in the
Congressional Record. Moreover the record available at the Arizona
State Legislature website while noted to be "engrossed" fails to show
any official signatures proving the text as shown is actually an
official state document. This stated however, as FOAVC has raised the
point regarding the text of the application and our policy is to
provide evidence for our statements we are publishing the text of the application from the Arizona Legislature.
Other "Convention of States" Applications not acknowledged by Convention of States
As we have stated before "COS has failed to acknowledge an already submitted application by a state using
the term "convention of states" in the text of the application and
which politically reflects the COS agenda in the text of application in
its "count" of COS applications. Applications
submitted by the states of South Carolina, Wyoming and Michigan have
not been recognized by Convention of States as "convention of states"
applications yet all contain the term "convention of states" or reflect
the political agenda of the group, Convention of States. As discussed
above COS has claimed state applications as "Convention of States"
applications in which either of these two conditions were satisfied or
in which one of the two conditions were satisfied. Yet in these three
cases COS has not claimed them as "Convention of States" applications
despite the fact at least one of the two conditions apparently required
to be consider a "Convention of States" application has been satisfied.
Therefore there appears to be no consistency in how a state application
is judged to be a "convention of states" application. The South
Carolina application may be read here and here. The Wyoming application may be read here. The Michigan application may be read here.
The Texas and Missouri Applications
Meanwhile, COS claimed a Texas application
doesn't contain the phrase "convention of states" in its text, as a "convention
of states" application but does reflect the political agenda of the group Convention of States. An application by the state of Missouri
was claimed by COS as a "convention of states" application contained the phrase "convention of states" and
the political agenda of the Convention of States Project.
Conclusion Regarding Convention of States Applications
The only
conclusion possible, based on the record of state applications and
response by the
Convention of States Project is COS cherry picks which state
applications are "convention of states" applications and which state
applications are not "convention of states" applications. The basis of
the choice appears to be political, rather than constitutional. The Convention of States Project apparently has no
consistent policy describing what is, and what is not a "convention of
states" application.
Thus, any "count" of state applications purporting to be "convention of
states" applications is entirely arbitrary and unreliable.
The COS Applications and the question of an "open" or "closed" convention
The political organization Convention of
States advocates a particular political agenda which COS
steadfastly states will be the only political agenda
considered at a "convention of states" convention. This kind of a
politically restricted convention is generally referred to as a
"closed" convention (also known as a "limited" convention). (See: Page 11 A; Page 11 D). However, if the political group
"Convention of States" incorporates any
state application containing any political agenda which just happens to use the term "convention of states"
regardless of the political subject within the application in order to achieve its "count" of applications
then that is a version of what is known as an "open" convention. An
example of this is the Alaska application above which refers to a
"convention of states" application but whose subject matter is
completely different than the subject matter of COS.
The "convention of states" then becomes an
"open" convention. This means all applications containing any political subject
ever submitted by the
states are considered by the convention in its agenda. The only
difference then
between a "convention for proposing amendments" (the term used in
V) and a "convention of states" is simply another term for an Article V
Convention or "convention for proposing amendments." The term
"convention of states" then becomes meaningless except as a political
slogan of a specific political group. The term is not used in the
Constitution. Therefore not being used in the Constitution, the powers
and terms associated with this title by this group (COS) has no actual
affect on the powers of an Article V Convention. These powers (as
described by the Founders, Supreme Court rulings and federal law is
that the convention for
proposing amendments may propose whatever amendments the elected delegates believe is appropriate. The term "convention for proposing amendments" carries clearly implies several political subjects of varying natures requiring several amendments can be considered and proposed by the convention.
However this not the case in a Convention of States convention. COS has made it clear that only its political agenda
is to be considered at a "convention of states." It has sought and
obtained passage
of state laws designed to only advance the COS political agenda
at a convention. These laws describe a certain kind of convention which
does not allow participation of the American public through the
elective process. The convention is limited strictly to control by the state legislatures and not the people. The only interpretation of COS actions in designating
state applications which do not "match" the COS political agenda is the political group
Convention of States is attempting to take political advantage of these applications
by incorporating them in its "count" of applications with absolutely no intention of giving those applications any consideration whatsoever at any "convention of states" convention.
Delegate Section and Convention Agenda

a convention is "open" or closed" relates directly to the question of
delegate selection and convention agenda. In their well funded campaign
whose statements are apparently accepted
without question by supporter and opponent alike just like JBS/Eagle
Forum statements (See: Page 6), at no time does COS/CFA ever mention the American people are excluded
entirely from the convention process meaning the people have no part in
selection or in review of convention agenda. State laws enacted in several states remove
their right of "alter or abolish" described in the Declaration of
Independence (See: Page 5 B).
Such laws conflict with already existing federal criminal laws which
prohibit removal of the right to vote (18 U.S.C. 242) as well a
criminal law (18 U.S.C. 601) specifying convention delegates shall be elected (See images left, click to enlarge).
A COS/CFA convention denies the people their right to vote directly
on the matters concerning a convention (such as who will decide on the
fate of the American people). There is no guarantee that following a
convention the right of the people to vote will remain intact as the
people know it today. It is entirely reasonable to postulate a COS/CFA
will remove this right based on already existing COS/CFA state laws.
As the 14th
Amendment (See Page 18) requires equal protection under the law (See: Page 17 E) it is reasonable (and constitutional) to postulate all
bodies involved in the amendment process (Congress, state
legislatures) who are inclined to extend power for themselves at the
expense of the fundamental principles of this nation may take advantage
of this removal of vote from the people.
If Congress and the state legislatures were to extend these already existing state laws to include themselves as well as convention delegates by extending the
prohibition of voting include their governmental bodies this would mean the
American people would have
no say as to how long a member in Congress or a state legislature
remained in power or what he was allowed to do while in power. The
American people would have no ability to employ the primary means used to control politicians---removal from office. The
problem is that removal of the right to vote for members of Congress
and state legislators can be accomplished, not by amendment, but by
legislation. Article I of the Constitution and the 17th
specifies the qualification for electors choosing senators and
representatives for Congress. (Senate: "The Senate of the United
States shall be composed of two Senators from each State, elected by
the people thereof, for six years; and each Senator shall have one
vote. The electors in each State shall have the qualifications
requisite for electors of the most numerous branch of the State
legislatures." House: "The House of Representatives shall be composed
of Members chosen every second Year by the People of the several
States, and the Electors in each State shall have the Qualifications
requisite for Electors of the most numerous Branch of the State
A change in qualification for elector at the state
level in the lower house of a state legislature automatically affects qualification for election of of members of Congress. Under the COS state laws being enacted no one is qualified as an elector. Therefore no citizen may vote on the question of convention delegates. The same principle could be extended based on the same legal principle being advanced in the state laws
to include members of Congress and state legislators as both bodies are
part of the same amendment process and one portion of that process
(convention delegates) are not elected none of the other bodies shall be elected because state law disqualifies all citizens as electors.
COS/CFA have both publicly favored
the one state/one vote principle used by the Federal Convention of 1787. This means state delegates are gathered
into state delegations which then vote as a collective group with each
state delegation having one vote. (See: COS Proposed Rules, Rule 4; CFA Compact, Article VII, Section 4). The method allows each state (and thus the population within each
state) equal voice as to any proposal which would equally effect all
states, and thus all populations, equally.
In this instance, so far as the principle of one state/one vote is
concerned FOAVC agrees with COS/CFA. FOAVC believes any convention held
today, particularly in the light of
the equal protection clause of the 14th Amendment, must employ the one
state/one vote method of voting in a convention. Any other method, such
as voting by representative state populations (thus granting large
states such as California more "voice" in a proposed amendment than a
small state such as Nevada) denies the populations within each state,
and thus the citizen comprising that population, equal voice (and thus
equal protection) in a proposal which equally affects all states and
States are
equal because the citizens comprising these states are equal. Thus all
states have equal rights. This
includes the second right, the right of redress guaranteed the citizen
(and thus the
state) in the First
Amendment. A convention is the constitutional means whereby citizens,
acting through elected convention delegates voting as state
delegations, seek redress of issues at the constitutional level.
This First Amendment right of redress prohibits any particular
political group (such as COS/CFA) from compromising that right by
determining only a select portion of issues may be discussed or
proposed at a convention. The right of redress guarantees all
issues shall be presented
and discussed at the convention. It further guarantees that no state
may be denied its right to present whatever issue it desires at
convention. Thus no application submitted by a state may be denied or
ignored by the convention by a predetermined political agenda.
The states have submitted numerous issues in applications for
an Article V Convention outside of those itemized COS/CFA "convention
of states" applications. If the
states are equal as COS/CFA recognizes with is "one state/one vote"
endorsement, then it is impossible for COS/CFA to deny the states equal
access to the convention such that only certain
issues are permitted to be discussed at a convention (which happen to
present the COS/CFA political agenda). FOAVC believes under the terms
of the First and 14th
amendments denial of
equal right of redress and denial of equal protection
is unconstitutional (See: Page_18).
While FOAVC supports the one state/one vote method used in the
1787 Convention making all states (and thus state populations)
equal, it also supports the equal redress demonstrated at that same
convention. All states were able to discuss and propose whatever issues
they chose. FOAVC opposes the COS/CFA concept of "one
state/one vote/allowed only to present what COS/CFA instructs and politically wants"
as FOAVC believes the concept is unconstitutional.
COS--The Historic Record
While COS may believe a Convention of States originated from them and
the political theory that a convention for proposing amendments is
regulated by the states, such belief is misplaced. The notion that the
states control the amendatory process of a convention based on the
sovereignty of the various states was discussed
in the early 1800's. Ultimately the question of which sovereignty,
state or popular sovereignty (sovereign
authority originated from the people) was supreme was resolved in McCulloch v
17 U.S. 316 (1819).
Chief Justice Marshall in a
unanimous Court ruling declared, "The Government of the Union then is
emphatically and truly, a Government of the people. In form and in
substance, it emanates from them. Its powers are granted by them, and
are to be exercised directly on them, and for their benefit." This
came about as the "counsel for the State of Maryland...deemed it of
some importances, in the construction of the Constitution, to consider
that instrument not as emanating from the people, but as the act of
sovereign and independent States."
Please click Chief Justice Marshall's picture to read that portion of McCulloch which addresses state vs popular sovereignty.
In 1833, the state of South
Carolina requested a "convention of states" for the purpose of
consideration of an amendment to the Constitution. The state of
Delaware responded and stating no such form of
existed in the Constitution. You can click on the state maps below to
read the application request by the state of South Carolina (2 pages)
and the response by the state of Delaware.
South Carolina page 1
South Carolina page 2
CFA: A Lack of Historic Record
There is no corresponding historic record for CFA as exists for COS. No
one in the history of the United States has ever suggested that in
order to amend the Constitution of the United States anything other
than the amendment process of Article V be used. This does
not mean the Supreme Court has not addressed the issue of
using some other process other than that specified in Article V of the
Constitution to amend the Constitution. In sum, the Court has
emphatically stated that no such process is permitted. Therefore any
such process is unconstitutional. In United States v Sprague, 282 US 716 (1931) the Court stated:
United States asserts that article 5 is clear in statement and in
meaning, contains no ambiguity, and calls for no resort to rules of
construction. A mere reading demonstrates that this is true. It
provides two methods for proposing amendments. Congress may propose them
by a vote of two-thirds of both houses; or, on the application of the
legislatures of two-thirds of the States, must call a convention to
propose them. ... The Constitution was written to be understood by the
voters; its words and phrases were used in their normal and ordinary as
distinguished from technical meaning; where the intention is clear
there is no room for construction and no excuse for interpolation or
addition." [To read a full discussion on Sprague you may go to Discussion: Page 17 K].
Unquestionably a legal theory (never attempted in the
history of the nation) employing the Compact Clause of the Constitution to accomplish an amendment to the Constitution
requires rules of construction, interpolation and addition in order to
create this new method of constitutional amendment within or adjunct to Article V. Therefore it is
doubtful the CFA Compact meets the constitutional standard of
Sprague of no rules of construction, interpolation or addition.
Other Constitutional Issues facing CFA
CFA faces several constitutional obstacles. In Virginia v Tennessee, 148 U.S. 503. 519 (1893)
a seminal decision by the Supreme Court on state compacts, the Court said, "Looking at the clause in which the
terms 'compact' or 'agreement' appear, it is evidence that the
prohibition [approval by Congress] is directed to the formation of any
combination tending to increase the political power in the states,
which may encroach upon or interfere with the just supremacy of the
United States." Obviously the
creation of a new amendment process allowing the states to bypass the
traditional super majorities required in Article V will tend to
"increase the political power in the states." Equally such new power
brings into question the supremacy of the United States as a provision
never before intended to amend the Constitution is used to do exactly
that. Thus Congress will have to approve the compact. CFA admits this fact to be true.
The fact Congress has to approve the CFA compact raises another constitutional issue. As
Congress must use
legislative rather than amendatory powers to approve a compact, by a
simple majority vote in each house of both the compact itself (which
Congress may alter) and any enabling legislation adjacent to it (such
as the convention call and a predetermined vote on the mode of
ratification as required by the CFA compact). As approval is made under the
legislative authority of
Congress, it is subject to veto by the President of the United States. In its FAQ page (page 19)
CFA states "The text of the Compact Clause (Article I, Section 10, of
the U.S. Constitution articulates no role for the President in granting
consent to interstate compacts, and no case actually holds that
congressional consent to an interstate compact requires presidential
CFA is incorrect. Contrary to CFA statement, there are cases of presidential veto of a compact
as discussed by Wells A. Hutchins J.D. in his book "Water
Rights Laws in the Nineteen States" (2004). As Mr. Hutchins discusses on page 82,
state water rights are frequently the subject of interstate
Moreover, while it is true Article I, Section 10 does not "articulate"
a role for the President in granting consent to interstate compacts,
Article I, Section 7 does:
"Every bill which
have passed the House of Representatives and the Senate, shall, before
it become a law, be presented to the President of the United States; if
he approve he shall sign it, but if not he shall return it,...Every
order, resolution, or vote to which the concurrence of the Senate and
House of Representative may be necessary (except on a question of
adjournment) shall be presented to the President of the United States,
and before the same shall take effect, shall be approved by him,..."
CFA maintains that the compact, once consented to by
Congress, binds Congress with no further recourse on the part of
Congress. The Supreme Court, in citing an amendatory example, disagrees
stating in Pennsylvania v Wheeling and Belmont Bridge Company, 59 US 421, 433 (1855),
"The question here is whether or not the compact can operate as a
restriction upon the power of Congress under the Constitution to
regulate commerce among the several states. Clearly not. Otherwise
Congress and two states would possess the power to modify and alter the
Constitution itself." The Court therefore makes it clear a compact
cannot restrict Congress as to subsequent federal legislation which
modifies the compact consent or enabling legislation.Therefore the
amendment compact will not be perpetual as CFA states
nor immune from alteration by Congress as both consent and
enabling legislature are subject to future congressional review. In short, Congress controls
the compact, not the states as CFA believes.
The Court has also made it clear in the recent 1999 decision College Savings Bank v Florida Prepaid Postsecondary Education Expense Board, 527 US 666, 684 (1999),
that before the states undertake to create a compact, they must obtain
permission from Congress. CFA has not done this. The Court stated,
"Under the Compact Clause, U.S. Const., Art. I, Section 10 , cl. 3,
States cannot form
an interstate compact without first obtaining the express consent of
Congress." [Emphasis in original].
Thus, according to the latest ruling
by the Supreme Court on state compacts CFA appears to have put the
constitutional cart ahead of the horse by attempting to create a
compact among the states before obtaining "express consent of Congress"
to do so. This Court opinion raises the question whether any of the
four state compact votes are constitutional as they were achieved prior
to CFA to receiving "express" consent by Congress to form the CFA
compact but after the College Savings Bank ruling by the Supreme Court
mandating that CFA receive "express" consent by Congress to form such a
Another problem faces CFA. If, instead of using its legislative power of majority votes in both houses, Congress used its amendatory powers
to circumvent presidential veto and approve the compact, it would not
suffer presidential review. CFA correctly states in its FAQ, page 19,
"Moreover, the President has no role in the Article V process, which
confers power exclusively upon state legislatures, conventions of the
states, in-state conventions, and Congress. CFA cites Hollingsworth v Virginia, 3 US 378 (1798) in which Justice Chase states in a footnote:
"There can, surely, be
no necessity to answer that argument [that an amendment proposed by
Congress is required to have the consent of the president]. The
negative of the President applies only to the ordinary cases of
legislation: he has nothing to do with the proposition, or adoption, of amendments to the Constitution." [See Discussion: Page 17 B].
The problem is CFA proposes amendment of the Constitution by means of another constitutional process other
than Article V namely the Compact Clause. The prohibition on
presidential participation of
Article V does not apply to the Compact Clause. Expressed language in
the Constitution requires a compact suffer presidential review. As a
compact is a legislative act of the Congress requiring a vote by
Congress the Constitution clearly states presidential
participation shall occur.
Moreover, if Congress
used its amendatory powers and proposed the "compact" by a vote of two thirds of each house, it would be Congress that proposed the amendment, not the
compact or its member states. By such means therefore Congress would
nullify the CFA compact altogether and simply be proposing the
amendment by the traditional means provided in Article V. Such action,
of course, defeats
the compact. Therefore, if the CFA compact is to be at all viable it must
be subject to presidential review. But the President "has nothing to do
with the proposition, or adoption, of amendments to the Constitution."
As both propositions are true, that compact must suffer presidential
review, but the president cannot review a proposed amendment to the
Constitution, the CFA compact is between a constitutional rock and hard
place. The solution is obvious: a compact cannot be used to propose an
amendment to the Constitution as it subjects the proposed amendment
within that compact to a potential presidential veto. Moreover, as a
compact is required by the Constitution to be submitted for
presidential review the compact cannot contain language which in any
relates to the "proposition of an amendment."
Thus any compact which proposes to:
(1) submit Article V applications for a convention to propose amendments;
(2) creates a commission which organizes the convention to propose an amendment(s);
(3) submits language containing the convention call
used by Congress to convene a convention for proposing amendments
organized by this commission;
(4) regulates all convention delegates to the
convention and presents a binding set of instructions relating to the
actions of these delegates at this convention;
(5) establishes the agenda of the convention for
proposing an amendment(s) organized under the terms of the compact;
(6) establishes the mode of ratification "chosen" by
Congress for the amendment(s) proposed by the convention created by the
compact and;
(7) creates a pre determined ratification vote by
the states for the amendment(s) proposed by the convention created by
the compact,
is clearly involved in the "proposition of an amendment(s)." The CFA
Compact contains language describing control of all these points. FOAVC
believes the Constitution forbids the use of the Compact Clause for
such purpose and therefore the CFA proposal is unconstitutional.
Page Last Updated: 24 AUGUST 2017