received the report of the Committee of Style
and Arrangement on September 12, the Federal Convention of 1787 again
debated the various provisions of the revised text of the nearly
complete Constitution making numerous changes (See Page 12, Table 8). With
the convention only hours away from concluding its business on
Saturday, September 15 the convention "took up" the matter of the
amendatory process. The committee had modified the text of Article XIX (see image far left, click to enlarge). Article XIX was
renamed Article V; the term "national legislature" was replaced with
the now familiar term, "Congress." The process of amendment proposal remained unchanged: proposal of amendments by Congress
or proposal of amendments on the application of the state
legislatures (if
Congress so agreed) followed
by ratification either by state legislatures or state "popular
ratification" conventions with Congress choosing the mode of
ratification. The "popular
ratification" convention intended to ratify the entire Constitution was firmly set in Article VII.
describes several handwritten technical changes made by Madison (image right) to the text of Article V on the
committee report. These changes were: (1) crossing out "of two
thirds" and
inserting it again after "legislatures" so the phrase read, "...on the
application of the legislatures of two thirds of the several
States..."; removing the term " three-fourths at least of" and
inserting the term "of three-fourths" after the word "legislatures" so
the phrase read, "......ratified by the legislatures of three-fourths
of the several states,..."; crossing out the word "and" and inserting
"1&4 clauses in the 9" and inserted "the first" so the phrase read,
"...shall in any manner affect the 1 & 4 clauses in the 9 section
of the first article."
However the text of Article V when taken
up by the convention on September 15 differed from the handwritten
modifications of Madison. As reported in his own notes Article V read, "Art--V. "The Congress,
whenever two thirds of both Houses shall deem necessary, on the
application of two thirds of the Legislatures of the several States,
shall propose amendments to this Constitution, which shall be valid to
all intents and purposes as part thereof, when the same shall have been
ratified by three fourths at least of the Legislatures of the several
States, or by Conventions in three fourths thereof, as the one or the
other mode of ratification may be proposed by Congress: Provided that
no amendment which may be made prior to the year 1808 shall in any
manner affect the <1&4 clauses in the 9.> section of
Article I." The term "two thirds" had not been moved. The phrase "three
fourths at least" was still intact. The numeric "9" combined with the
shorthand version of "1&4" and "article I" remained.
While there is no record of Madison's "corrections" being accepted by
the convention presumably there was agreement to them as all appear in
the final version (slightly modified to accommodate the requirements of
English grammar and style). In the final version of Article V, the
words "of two thirds" is moved to follow the word "Legislatures, the
phrase "by three fourths at least" is altered to "...when ratified by
the Legislatures of three fourths of..." and the numerals "1&4" are
spelled out along with the proper written reference to the numeral "9"
as is the term "article I." The final language reads, "...affect the
first and fourth Clauses in the Ninth Section of the first Article;..."
Finally the numeric designation of the year 1808 is written out as
"Year One thousand eight hundred and eight." Presumably Madison raised
these questions of grammar and style with the convention at some point (as
they apparently had not been addressed by the committee) and obtained
consent to modify the text which was granted without debate (as Madison
phrased it, "nem: com"). As these were technical stylistic corrections Madison
apparently saw no reason to record this fact in his notes.
Article VII describing the ratification process for the entire Constitution had reached its final stage of language. Other than capitalizing several words in the sentence
(Ratification, Convention, Establishment and Same) the provision
remained untouched by the convention. The committee
text of September 15 read, "The ratification of the conventions of nine States, shall
be sufficient for the establishment of this constitution between the
States so ratifying the same" (image left). As noted in previous discussion, the intent of the 1787 convention, that of ratification by "popular ratification" conventions independent
of the state legislatures be executed in all states was so obviously
understood by all state legislatures this intent was executed without the need of further elaboration in the Constitution.
Similarly, the word "conventions" in Article V
contained no elaboration beyond describing the specific purpose of that
"popular ratification" convention in the amendment process. This lack
of elaboration shows while
the delegates believed they needed to define the purpose of the
convention with precise words, that is, describe what part the
convention played in the amendment process, they did not believe it
necessary to describe the meaning or intent of the word "convention." This was common knowledge understood by all in 1787. Therefore it was not necessary for the 1787 delegates to describe in the Constitution a convention was elected by the people and was independent of the state
legislatures .
The record of the 1787 convention does not support the conclusion the
meaning of the word "convention" in the proposal portion of the
amendment process was to be any different than that as understood by
delegates in the same sentence for the ratification process. There is
no evidence supporting a contention the 1787 convention intended a
"popular ratification" convention to be limited only to ratification of an amendment proposal originated
by the state legislatures. The word "convention" as used in its
commonly understood meaning clearly allowed for a "convention" to give
assent to an amendment which it proposed under the right of alter or abolish. The Supreme Court noted this
fact in its discussion of common understanding of the words used in the
Constitution in United States v
Sprague (See: Page 17 K).
The Events of September 15
the convention "took up" Article V delegates addressed perceived issues
with the article as it stood. Roger Sherman "expressed his fears that
three fourths of the States might be brought to do things fatal to
particular States, as abolishing them altogether or depriving them of
the equality in the Senate. He thought it reasonable that the proviso
in favor of the States importing slaves should be extended so as to
provide that no State should be affected in its internal police, or
deprived of its equality in the Senate."
Mason then spoke and said he "thought the plan of amending the
Constitution exceptionable & dangerous. As the proposing of
amendments is in both the modes to depend, in the first immediately,
and in the second, ultimately, on Congress, no amendments of the proper
kind would ever be obtained by the people, if the Government should
become oppressive, and he verily believed this would be the case."
Farrand cites a note written by Mason "in the margin of his
copy of the draft of September 12" which read, "Article 5th--By this
article Congress only have the power of proposing amendments at any
future time to the constitution and should it prove ever so oppressive,
the whole people of America can't make, or even propose alterations to
it; a doctrine utterly subversive of the fundamental principles of the
rights and liberties of the people." [Emphasis added].
Mason's comments obviously were referring to the original committee of the whole resolution affirmed June 19 which as noted in the convention Journal stated, "It was moved and
seconded to strike the following words out of the 19th resolution
reported from the Committee of the whole House namely "to an Assembly
or assemblies of representatives, recom-" mended by the several
Legislatures, to be expressly chosen "by the people to consider and
decide thereon" which passed in the negative [Ayes--3, noes--7.] On the
question to agree to the 19th resolution as reported from the Committee
of the whole House, namely Resolved that the amendments which shall be
offered to the confederation by the Convention ought at a proper time
or times after the approbation of Congress to be submitted to an
assembly or assemblies of representatives, recommended by the several
Legislatures, to be expressly chosen by the People to consider and
decide thereon it passed in the affirmative [Ayes--9; noes--1]"
Under the terms of the proposed article as currently written at that time the
"approbation of Congress" (a peremptory call) was addressed, as were the "recommended by the several Legislatures" (two thirds
application by the several state legislatures) but the remainder of the
resolution was not addressed--"an assembly or assemblies of
representatives...to be expressly
chosen by the People to consider and decide thereon..." As Mason noted,
the language did not allow for a representative assembly expressly
chosen by the people (not the state legislatures) to consider and decide thereon on amendment proposals.
He therefore
raised objection that the convention had ignored its own already passed
resolution. Mason's objections lead to further revision of Article V.
The Convention "Trick"

Farrand's notes regarding Mason's objections contain further citations
presented in Volume 3 of his work, pages 367-8 (images shown far left,
center, click to enlarge) and on page 379 (image near left, click to enlarge). Neither
version of the events discussed in Farrand, of the convention
"trick" were written by actual participants to the convention. Thomas Jefferson's [member
Continental Congress 1775-76; Governor of Virginia 1779-81; member
Confederation Congress 1783-84; Minister to France 1785-89; Secretary
of State 1790-93; Vice President 1797-1801; President of the United
States 1801-1809] (image right) rendition of Mason's
version of the event was recorded (according to Jefferson's notes) on
30, 1792 at Mason's estate, Gunston Hall, in Virginia. (However
state Jefferson visited Gunston Hall on October 1, 1792). Mason died October 7, 1792.
Jefferson's version states Gouverneur Morris
(image left) "moved an instruction for certain alterations" regarding the amendment
process. Jefferson writes, "the constitution as agreed at first
was that amendments might be proposed either by Congress or the
legislatures. A committee was appointed to digest and redraw. ... The
committee reported so that Congress should have the exclusive power of
proposing amendments. ... Mason observed it on the report and opposed
it. Mason asked by what authority they had varied what had been agreed.
Morris then impudently got up and said by authority of the convention
and produced the blind instruction before mentioned." Jefferson then
notes, "They [the convention] then restored it as it stood originally."
Farrand contradicts Mason's story a few pages later by
referring to comments made by Albert Gallatin [United States Senator
(PA) 1793-94; member of Congress (PA) 1795-1801; Secretary of Treasury
1801-14; Minister to France 1816-23; Minister to United Kingdom
1826-27] (image right) who told
a different version of the story on the floor of the House of
Representatives in 1798. Gallatin's version concerns words in the
Constitution "originally inserted... as a limitation
to the power of laying taxes." Gallatin states, "After the limitation
had been agreed to ... a member of the Convention, ... being one of a
committee of revisal and arrangement, attempted to throw these words
into a distinct paragraph, so as to create not a limitation, but a
distinct power. The trick, however, was discovered by a member
from Connecticut, now deceased, [Mason was from Virginia and according
to all reports never ventured out of Virginia in his entire lift except
to travel to the 1787 convention] and the words restored as they now
stand." Farrand states this phrase "words restored as they now stand"
related to the same incident described by Jefferson noting in a
footnote, "Quite probably the same as
related in CCLXIX [pages 367-8]." Thus in one version of the story the "trick"
related to the amendment process. In another version the same
"trick" related to the power of Congress to lay taxes. This is not the
example of persons of that time attempting to change the history of the
convention (See: Page 11 K).
There is no reference to these events in any report recorded
at the time of the convention as related by Jefferson and Gallatin. The reference to Gouverneur Morris ("one of the
members who represented the State of Pennsylvania") as the perpetrator
of this "trick" wherein Mason alleges Morris "moved an instruction for
certain alterations" to Article V is not supported by Madison's notes who
obviously was present as part of the "half" Mason refers to in order to
record Morris' comment. Neither Madison or the convention Journal record
Morris making an actual motion (thus requiring a second and
a recorded vote) in order to carry out the "trick" regarding his August
30 comment. Neither Jefferson or Gallatin had the benefit of reference
to the actual records of the convention in order to verify the
accuracy of their version of the story. That record would not be available until it was
published by Farrand in 1911.
Thus validity of the story depended on the recollection of a man who died
less than a week later or an unnamed source who may or may not have
actually witnessed the event.
The overall record of the convention does not
support the proposition the convention "restored" the words as
they stood before. As previously discussed (See: Committee of Detail Page Eleven G Detail III, VIII, IX, Final Report) had the delegates desired the state legislatures be able to amend the Constitution directly, they were quite
capable of writing language expressing this unequivocally. Instead the convention removed the
authority of direct state legislative amendment and replaced it with indirect
application to Congress. Mason's own record of vote recorded at the convention contradict his version of the "trick."
Mason correctly observes Congress was given the "exclusive" right of
amendment proposal but this was because the substitution language offered by Madison on September 10 was adopted by the convention in place of language which allowed for direct amendment proposal by the state legislatures. Morris had nothing to do with Madison's proposal other than voting in favor of it. (The record shows the state of
Pennsylvania voted in favor of Madison's proposal with no record
of division such as was the case in that same vote in the state of New
Hampshire. Thus all delegates from Pennsylvania favored the motion including Morris. This same record also shows Mason approved the substitution of language as there is no divided vote recorded for the state of Virginia).
While it is possible there was a "trick" played at the convention
regarding language the exact details of that "trick" remain unclear.
Possibly like other delegates (Madison, Mason) Morris wrote an informal
note on his copy of the Committee of Detail report of August 6 and when
called on by Mason produced that as the evidence referred to. Unlike
Madison's changes to Article V which apparently were agreed to by
the convention as they all appear in the final version, it's possible
the convention made it clear informally
they did not agree with Morris and thus "restored" the language only to
later abandon that language entirely in favor of Madison's substitution
Given the different versions of the story all related by persons not
present at the convention and the fact records made at the time of the 1787
convention by those present do not bear out what was related in these
versions constitutes strong evidence the convention never "restored"
the right of legislatures to directly amend
the Constitution once they voted to abandon that language in favor of
Madison's substitution language. Further there is no indication this
"restoration" if it occurred at all, altered in any way the common
understanding of the meaning and intent of the word "convention" as
discussed by the convention delegates and used by them in the
Constitution. Attempting to use this allegory to prove direct control
of a convention by state legislatures was the intent of the 1787
convention is unfounded.
The Article V Convention Clause

Following Mason's comments, Gouverneur Morris (image far left) and
Elbridge Gerry (center left) moved (and seconded) "to amend the article so as to
require a Convention on application of 2/3 of the Sts." Realizing
introduction of a convention in the proposal process introduced a second
mode of amendment proposal (by representatives expressly chosen by the
people) as opposed to proposal by Congress or the state
legislatures (the second mode removing the authority of state
legislatures to propose amendments) Madison, (nearest left) obviously
wishing to preserve the original
intent of his substitute language giving Congress control of all
aspects of amendment proposal, said he,"did not see why Congress would
not be as much bound to propose
amendments applied for by two thirds of the States as to call a call
a Convention on the like application." Madison then raised his
previous objections about the operational aspects of a convention saying,
"He saw no objection however against providing for a Convention for the
purpose of amendments, except only that difficulties might arise as to
the form, the quorum &c. which in Constitutional regulations ought
to be as much as possible avoided." (See images right, click to enlarge).
Madison notes, "The motion of Mr. Govr Morris and Mr. Gerry was agreed
to nem: con (see: the first part of the article as finally past)."
Following this unanimous change in the amendment process for a "popular
ratification" convention to propose amendments, Roger Sherman moved to
"strike out of art. V. after "legislatures" the words "of three fourths"
and so after the word "Conventions" leaving future Conventions to act
in this matter, like the present Conventions according to
circumstances." The convention voted seven against, three in favor, one
divided. Mr. Gerry then moved to strike out the words "or by
Conventions in three fourths thereof" which was defeated 10 states to
The 1787 convention by formal vote emphatically put any allegation an Article V Convention was intended to be a "constitutional convention" to rest. Sherman specifically moved
the conventions described in Article V be able "to
act...like the present Conventions according to circumstances." The
only "present" convention (as the Constitution was not yet approved)
Sherman could be referring to was the 1787 convention itself. By
defeating his
motion the convention slammed the door on any possibility an Article V
Convention would be a "constitutional convention" but instead would be
strictly limited to the purpose specified in the Constitution; to
propose amendments to the present
Constitution and, if the mode of ratification was so chosen by
Congress, decide on the ratification of an amendment proposal or
then moved, "according to his idea above expressed to annex to the end
of the article a further proviso "that no State shall without its
consent be affected in its internal police, or deprived of its equal
suffrage in the Senate" to which Madison responded, "Begin
with these special provisos, and every State will insist on them, for
their boundaries, exports &c." Sherman's motion was defeated eight
states to three. "Sherman then moved to strike out art V altogether"
which was defeated eight states against, two states in favor, one state
divided. "Mr. Govr Morris moved to annex a further proviso--"that no
State, without its consent shall be deprived of its equal suffrage in
the Senate." Madison states, "This motion being dictated by the
circulating murmurs of the small States was agreed to without debate,
no one opposing it, or on the question, saying no."
Mason, "expressing his discontent at the power given to Congress by a
bare majority to pass navigation acts, which he said would not only
enhance the freight, a consequence he did not so much regard -- but
would enable a few rich merchants in Philada [Philadelphia] N. York [New York] & Boston, to
monopolize the Staples of the Southern States & reduce their value
perhaps 50 Per Ct--moved a further provision "that no law in nature of
a navigation act be passed before the year 1808, without the consent of
2/3 of each branch of the Legislature." The motion was defeated seven
states against, three in favor, one state divided. This vote completed work on Article V by the convention. The
alterations to Article V were the last recorded changes made to the
The convention then heard declarations by Randolph, Mason and Gerry
saying they could not support the Constitution as written and were therefore withholding their signatures from it. All three men believed a second
general convention was required in order to resolve the issues they saw
with the Constitution. Randolph introduced a motion for a "second
general Convention." The question of a second convention was
unanimously defeated. The question "to agree to the Constitution as
amended" was unanimously approved. The convention then ordered the
completed Constitution to be engrossed "and "500 copies struck." The
House adjourned at 6 p.m, Saturday, September 15, 1787.
On Monday, September 17, 1787 the Federal Convention of 1787 convened
at 10 a.m. (its usual starting time) to read the engrossed copy of the Constitution and sign the now
completed Constitution (Randolph, Mason and Gerry abstaining). The
convention then removed the injunction of secrecy placed on the
delegates at the beginning of the convention, instructed convention
secretary William Jackson to "carry it [the Constitution] to Congress
[meeting in New York], provided the members "with copies" of the
Constitution and "adjourned sine die." "The gentlemen of the convention
then dined together at the City Tavern." Thus, the path to a new
Constitution which began on September 11, 1786 at Mann's Tavern in Annapolis, Maryland with
the Annapolis Convention of 1786 ended on September 17, 1787 at the City Tavern in Philadelphia,
Pennsylvania with the members of the Federal Convention of 1787 having dinner.

final version of Article V (see images left) as enrolled and transmitted to Congress on September 17, 1787 read as follows:
"The Congress, whenever two thirds of both Houses shall deem it
necessary, shall propose Amendments to this Constitution, or, on the
Application of the Legislatures of two thirds of the several States,
shall call a Convention for proposing Amendments, which, in either
Case, shall be valid to all Intents and Purposes, as Part of this
Constitution, when ratified by the Legislatures of three fourths of the
several States, or by Conventions in three fourths thereof, as the one
or the other Mode of Ratification may be proposed by the Congress;
Provided that no Amendment which may be made prior to the Year One
thousand eight hundred and eight shall in any Manner affect the first
and fourth Clauses in the Ninth Section of the first Article; and that
no State, without its Consent, shall be deprived of it's equal Suffrage
in the Senate." (See: Page 12, Table 10).
The Effect of the September 15 Changes to Article V
Beyond adding a clause prohibiting removal
of a state from
the United States Senate without its consent the
primary effect of the change in language in
Article V on September 15 was to alter the
purpose of the applications submitted by the state legislatures to
Congress. Prior to the Gerry/Morris amendment, that purpose as
described in the September 10 version of Article XIX was
to allow state
legislatures to request Congress
consider proposing an amendment(s) submitted by them in their
applications. Based by Mason's comments (and the fact there no record
of any
delegate contradicting Mason's statement), Congress could refuse to
propose the amendment requested by the states as there was no
imperative in the language (i.e., "shall propose").
The original authority of amendment allowing state legislatures to directly
propose amendment to the Constitution had long been discarded by the
However the Gerry/Morris motion altered the purpose of the state
legislature application from that of indirect amendment proposal to a new purpose. The final language of Article V changed the
purpose of the application from requesting an amendment(s) to the
Constitution proposed by Congress to requiring a convention call by Congress for the purpose of allowing direct election by the people of convention delegates who would then "consider and decide thereon" on the proposal of amendments thus circumventing Congress entirely. This process therefore satisfied Mason's objects regarding his fear that, "By this
article Congress only have the power of proposing amendments at any
future time to the constitution and should it prove ever so oppressive,
the whole people of America can't make, or even propose alterations to
it; a doctrine utterly subversive of the fundamental principles of the
rights and liberties of the people." Described as "peremptory" by Hamilton the language of the motion dictated such "call" be "required" thus removing any discretion on
the part of Congress to refuse the application for a convention
(assuming two thirds of the state legislatures submitted applications). Thus Mason's concern
that "no amendments of the proper kind would ever be obtained by the people" was addressed. [Emphasis added]. Mason made no mention of any concern
regarding the fact amendments could not longer be obtained by the state legislatures. He
apparently agreed with the sentiment expressed by Hamilton that "The State Legislatures will not apply for alterations but with a view to increase their own powers."
Thus Congress was mandated to call a "popular ratification" convention for the purpose of proposing amendments.
There is no record of Mason raising objection to the Gerry/Morris
motion saying that he intended state legislatures be able to propose amendments. The record shows Mason voted in favor of it as did all the
convention. Given the understanding of the meaning of the word
"convention" Mason obviously understood alteration of the language
of Article V meant a convention rather than state legislatures
would propose amendments. The alteration was unambiguous: before the
Gerry/Morris motion, state legislatures could propose amendments in
some capacity. After the Gerry/Morris motion, as note by Anti-Federalist
49, the "states, as states" could not propose amendment(s). Instead the other two elements of Article V, the people and
Congress, were given authority of amendment proposal.
There is no doubt as to the meaning of the carefully chosen phraseology
"a convention for proposing amendments." The
fundamentals of English grammar leave nothing to speculation as to the
unspecified purpose of the convention in regards to amendment proposal
is unequivocally specified. There is no question under the rules of
English grammar (and the record of the convention) a "popular
ratification" convention was to propose amendments and not
the state legislatures. The object of a phrase cannot be divorced from
the affect of that phrase. The meaning and intent of the
"convention" therefore as used in three places in the Constitution, once
later in the same sentence in Article V, requiring elected "popular
ratification" conventions and again in Article VII calling for ratification
of the entire Constitution by "popular ratification" conventions, all independent of Congress and state legislature,
leave no doubt as to the intent and meaning of the word "convention" in the third
As has been stated but bears repeating, for those inclined to ignore
the public record in favor of their own unsupported hypothesis, had
the convention intended state legislatures possess the authority of
amendment proposal they would have written that authority into the
Constitution in unmistakable terms requiring no
"interpretation" such as labeling the convention for proposing
amendments a "convention of states" in order to advance a particular
political agenda favoring unconstitutional amendment proposal by the state legislatures. Indeed the
record of the convention is emphatic: such authority was written in the
language of the proposed Constitution in one form or another for nearly
the entire time of the convention. Had
the Convention intended the state legislatures be able to propose
amendments or have authority to control a proposal convention they
would have simply left the appropriate language in the Constitution.
Instead the public record is absolutely irrefutable: the convention
removed such authority entirely by affirmative vote, first on June 19
with Resolution 19 and later with the Gerry/Morris amendment to Article V.
The nebulous language of "for that purpose" of early versions of
Article V was unequivocally defined on September 15: "a convention for
amendments." The state legislatures still determined whether a
convention would be called by the submission of applications of two
thirds of the several state legislatures. Legislatures still retained
one of the
two modes of ratification, the other by popular ratification convention
both requiring assent by three fourths of the states before a proposed amendment became part of the Constitution. The state
legislature mode of
ratification became the most used, ratifying 26
of the 27 amendments in the Constitution. But as observed in
Anti-Federalist 49
with the advent of the Gerry/Morris motion, "the states, as states" no
longer could propose amendments.
Some may argue Madison's concerns about the convention expressed just
after the proposed Gerry/Morris motion prove Madison opposed an
Article V Convention. Their assertion is misplaced. These opponents
fail to note Madison, after expressing his concerns, states the Gerry/Morris
motion was adopted "nem: con" which means "no dissents, unanimously."
Madison therefore voted in favor of the motion. As discussed
elsewhere (see: Tuberville letter and May 5, 1789) Madison vigorously supported
the intent and meaning of Article V. Moreover
if state legislatures were intended to control a
convention as many today assert, Madison's comments following
introduction of the Gerry/Morris motion regarding operational procedure
make no sense. If the Gerry/Morris motion was intended to allow state
legislatures to control of the convention there would be no operational
issues since the state legislatures would obviously make all such
relevant decisions.
Madison's concerns regarding the operational
aspects of a convention can be attributed to the fact he realized
Congress was to be a continual body, that is, in session yearly with
its membership spanning several sessions of Congress. Thus operational
concerns for the amendment process for Congress were easy to address as the
operational structure of Congress would already be established. On the
hand, a convention, not being a continual body and called whenever the state legislatures applied and being
required to be created by election of delegates who would only hold
office for the term of the convention, meant
the convention had no operational structure in place. Madison could not
know his concerns regarding operation of a convention
would be addressed by the 14th Amendment which was added to the
Constitution on July 28, 1868. The addition of the equal protection
clause to the Constitution meant the short answer to Madison's concerns
is a convention is organized "just like Congress" (See Page 18).
In sum, the "Convention for
proposing Amendments" in Article V is
no more than the operational extension of the right specified in the
Declaration of Independence, "that whenever any Form of Government
becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the
People to alter or abolish it and to institute new Government, laying
its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such
form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and
Happiness." The convention for proposing amendments or Article V
Convention gives the people the operational means whereby they can exercise their
right of alter or abolish by election of delegates "expressly chosen by the People to consider and
decide thereon..."