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Page 11 I--The Development of Article V at the Federal Convention of 1787 (Cont.)

The Committee of Style and Arrangement

Johnson Madison

05590553a05880582a05700564aWhile the Committee of Detail required two weeks to write the first draft of the Constitution, the Committee of Style and Arrangement created
on September 8 (see image, far left) took only two working days to craft the final language of the Constitution (see: Page 12, Table 8) referred to them by the convention on September 10 (see image near left). The committee reported back to the convention on September 12 (see image, right). The convention made further alterations to the committee's text many of which affected the amendment process now labeled Article V by the Committee of Style and Arrangement. The Constitution was engrossed on September 15. After a signing ceremony on September 17, the Federal Convention of 1787 adjourned sine die.

The Committee of Style and Arrangement (shown  in order
above) was comprised of William Samuel Johnson [member Confederation Congress, 1785-87; United States Senator (CT) 1789-1791], James Madison, Rufus King [member Confederation Congress, 1784-87; United States Minister to Great Britain, 1796-1803, 1825-1826, United States Senator (NY) 1813-25], Alexander Hamilton and Gouverneur Morris. William Samuel Johnson chaired the committee. However historians generally agree the final text of the Constitution was primarily written by Gouverneur Morris.

The August 6 report of the Committee of Detail may be read on Page 12, Table 6. The report of the Committee of Detail as amended by the convention submitted on the Committee of Style and Arrangement on September 10 (as reconstructed by Farrand) may be read on Page 12, Table 7. The September 12 Committee of Style and Arrangement report to the convention may be read on Page 12, Table 8. The final Constitution as revised by the convention between September 12 and September 15 may be read on Page 12, Table 10.

Highlighted copies of the amendment and ratification articles at its various stages of its development are presented below. The first table contains the text from the Committee of Detail report of August 6. The next table contains copies of the amendment and ratification articles as revised by the convention and presented to the Committee of Style and Arrangement on September 10 as complied by Farrand. The next table shows the September 12 version of the amendment and ratification articles as presented to the convention by the Committee of Style and Arrangement. The last table is the final version of the amendment and ratification articles as revised by the convention on September 15.

August 6


September 10

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September 12


September 15


Continued to Page Eleven K

Page Last Updated: 9-APRIL 2017