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Pro-Article V Convention Organizations and Web Sites:

As we have shown on other pages of this site, the states have applied in sufficient numbers to cause TEN Conventions. Congress, albeit slowly, is moving toward FINALLY counting the applications and taking the first tentative steps toward calling an Article V Convention. Over the years  organizations and groups have supported the calling of an Article V Convention. Our links page is but a small sample of these groups and individuals.

NOTE: FOAVC.ORG neither supports or opposes any specific amendment proposal, nor supports any political parties or political candidates. Publication of any link on this or any other page of the FOAVC website DOES NOT imply support for any statement made or position taken by any person or persons on any subject they may publish on their website. It is the understanding of FOAVC that at the time of receiving notification of support for an Article V Convention the person providing that information supported an Article V Convention. To that end FOAVC as a courtesy has published a link to their website.

If FOAVC receives notice that the site in question is no longer active, or no longer supports an Article V Convention we will of course remove the link in question. We request anyone using these links  understand that once they leave FOAVC they assume all risks associated with going on websites on the Internet. FOAVC provides these links as courtesy and is not responsible for any content, offensive statement or other issue that may arise as a result of anyone using the links below.

FOAVC asks that anyone knowing of any other sites which support an Article V Convention, please contact FOAVC.

             This web site, created by FOAVC co-Founder Bill Walker, provides detailed information regarding two federal lawsuits, Walker v United States and Walker v Members of Congress. The latter suits was appealed to the Supreme Court of the United States. The site is intended to be a public repository of all legal filings made during the course of the lawsuits together with any other legal filings Mr. Walker made in relation to an Article V Convention. As of August 23, 2016, the two Walker lawsuits are the only lawsuits ever to have been presented to the Supreme Court of the United States on the subject of an Article V Convention.

             This web site, created by Gordie Hayduk provides information on a proposed 28th Amendment to the Constitution as well as presenting several facts regarding an Article V Convention.

             This website presents up to date information regarding an Article V Convention with emphasis on the tracking of state applications submitted to Congress for an Article V Convention call.

             This web site discusses the book of the same name written by FOAVC co-Founder Joel S. Hirschhorn, Ph.D. He explains how the American Republic can be fixed without overthrowing the government. He presents a detailed analysis of the problems of the three branches of government as well as a the fourth estate- the mainstream media. In the second part of his book, he presents multiple solutions to the problems he describes. Links to his many articles on politics, economics and government are also on the site.

             This web site operated by FOAVC co-Founder former Judge Tom Brennan, who wrote a law review titled, "Return to Philadelphia" 30+ years ago in support of an Article V Convention to propose amendments to the U.S. Constitution.