Constitutional Rubbish
by Joel S. Hirschhorn
You hear presidents, members of Congress and
media pundits say it all the time. They are wrong. Nowhere in the Constitution
or the Federalist Papers is there any statement or declaration that the three
branches are coequal. Why has this myth persisted for so long? Why do so many
prominent and supposedly educated people keep invoking this outright lie?
Make no mistake. Either in theory or practice is there any basis whatsoever for
believing that the legislative, executive and judicial branches of the federal
government are coequal. It also defies common sense.
Historical analysis has always shown that the Founders, if anything, intended
for Congress to be preeminent, and not the President and the executive branch.
For example, only Congress has the constitutional power to remove the President
and other high officers of the executive branch as well as the judiciary, but
the latter cannot remove any member of Congress. And Congress has control of
raising and spending government funds as well as the power to overrule any
presidential attempt to veto legislation. That Congress does not always choose
to fully exercise its constitutional powers does not remove them.
As to the Supreme Court and the whole judiciary, they function only as long as
Congress provides funds, the executive branch provides security, and both choose
to obey court decisions. More importantly, the Supreme Court does not act on its
own to enforce the Constitution, even when the President and Congress disobey
it, but it could.
It is time for Americans to stop and think. In what exact ways are the three
branches coequal? According to the dictionary coequal means resembling each
other in all respects. But ridding the culture of constitutional myths seems
awfully difficult, especially since Garry Wills published his excellent book "A
Necessary Evil" a decade ago, which artfully exposed a number of them.
In particular, presidents seem to like talking about the coequal branches of
government, including Barack Obama. In January 2008 Obama said this in a speech:
"No law can give Congress a backbone if it refuses to stand up as the co-equal
branch the Constitution made it." Do presidents really want coequal branches? I
think not. But they want Americans to keep believing in coequality, because it
sounds good and adds an aura of respect for government that politicians
desperately want.
In reality, presidents with the most political power want others with far less
power to feel good. They want to keep the public believing (incorrectly) that
the president is very limited in power. If George W. Bush proved anything it was
not just that he created the imperial presidency, but that over time the
presidency has become a mostly unchecked, pre-eminent and over-powerful
government force. They have accumulated far more powers than ever envisioned by
the Constitution. By regularly invoking the false coequality of branches
argument and its derivative checks and balances thesis, presidents intentionally
spread the propaganda to safeguard an all-powerful presidency and executive
Meanwhile, Americans are largely ignorant that Congress has refused to honor and
obey an important constitutional option in
Article V: a convention of
state delegates that could propose constitutional amendments, despite over
applications from all 50 states for a convention. It is their way of preserving
exclusivity for proposing amendments and presidents say nothing because they
fear amendments curbing their power. The Supreme Court does nothing because it
likes amending the Constitution through its decisions.
Understand this: Having distinct constitutional responsibilities does not
make branches coequal. The myth of coequality protects our delusional democracy
and makes a mockery of our constitutional republic. If people really want
coequal branches then they should start thinking about a constitutional
amendment to make it so. Alternatively, we need Congress and the judiciary to
act with far greater strength and conviction to use their constitutional powers
and more effectively constrain presidential powers.
If prominent people tell a lie enough times, again, and again, and again, then
the public lie becomes accepted fact, a cultural myth. So it is with the three
coequal branches of government lie. It will be defended. It serves a purpose:
False confidence in constitutional government.